Intelligent Automation

Bring together the power of AI and RPA

Systems Integration

Connect various IT systems and applications in an enterprise

Advanced Analytics

Converge IT data onto a single pane for faster decision-making

Cloud & IT Modernization

Upgrade your infrastructure with our technology modernization solutions

Intelligent Automation

Intelligent automation is essential to meet growing network demands, manage the increasing complexity, operate networks more efficiently to provide the best network performance, and deliver a great customer experience with rationalized capex investments. This guide explores intelligent automation solutions that address the main CSP challenges and provide the highest ROI and shortest time to market, with a future-proof architecture that can meet the ever-changing demands for each service provider.

System Integration

Our customers are increasingly leveraging information technology to accomplish their business objectives – relying heavily on their software, hardware, and network investments to remain competitive, as well as, researching and investing in innovative cloud, mobile and other software-as-a-service models.

Enlighten Management Solutions provide a full range of services to support our customers’ needs. Our staff adds significant incremental value, offering implementation, customization, migration, training and related services to support our customers’ business objectives.

Our Systems Integration services include the following:

  • Integration – integrating the customer’s existing applications into the SII business solution
  • Migration – assisting in making cost-effective migrations from one platform to another
  • Conversion and integration – integrating third-party applications into the new SII framework
  • IT consulting and outsourcing – shortening time-to-benefit and reducing cost for large-scale computing environments and applications

Predictive Coding

We leverage a suite of proprietary predictive coding tools that help our clients quickly and efficiently allocate information into meaningful categories to generate and validate their predictive models.

Data Clustering & Visualization

We help our clients cluster and visualize their data to pinpoint trends and gain actionable insights.

Data Modeling

We create models that help our clients address operational challenges, predict performance, assess risk, identify abnormal behavior, and highlight trends.

Advanced Analytics

Today, data is everywhere, and the rate at which it is generated continues to grow at an exponential rate. However, with this explosive growth in data, even the most sophisticated organizations struggle to sift through the massive volumes of information to pinpoint trends, understand their customers and competitors, streamline operations, and develop competitive advantage.

Ankura develops and delivers innovative solutions for today’s most complex data challenges. We help our clients leverage their data to create models that address operational challenges, predict performance, assess risk, and identify trends.

Cloud & IT Modernization

“IT Modernization” is the first step in adopting disruptive digital, data science, cyber, and cloud technologies that are driving change. IT modernization gives organizations the foundation they need to meet the dynamic needs of end-users and constituents.

Modernizing legacy systems can be very challenging, risky, costly, and resource intensive; however, with the right strategic approach, the risks can be mitigated, and costs rationalized.

IT modernization which translates to continuously retaining, extending, and modernizing legacy data and technology assets to increase value and achieve organizational objectives is the key component of enhancing productivity. In addition to saving money, modernizing systems also addresses the ever-increasing cybersecurity threats and pave the way to implementing high-potential technologies like analytics, mobile, and artificial intelligence.

User Engagement Modernization
User Engagement Modernization
Taking a user-centric approach to enterprise IT infrastructure, IT service management (ITSM), eGovernance and IT road-mapping.
Cloud Migration
We help unleash the potential of the cloud that creates unique, innovative, and sustainable competitive advantages, no matter the market.
Application Modernization
We help our customers transform their working practices by implementation of efficient and effective digital services through cloud, automation, and mobile.
Data Center Modernization
We help customers right-size their data center and network footprints to reduce costs, improve cybersecurity, and simplify the management of cloud, network, and application infrastructure.
Digital Workplace
We help customers develop and implement the digital workplace that focuses on leveraging technologies, high-speed network, and rapid delivery capabilities to significantly improve IT delivery.
Enlighten Management helps customers develop a mobile-first architecture to manage the mobile devices and monitor the security / infrastructure to make mission-critical systems available on-demand.